
Aakar Patel

Aakar Patel is a writer and columnist. You can e-mail the author at

All stories by AAKAR PATEL

How does Smriti Irani plan to fix this problem?

How does Smriti Irani plan to fix this problem?

Rediff.com22 Jun 2016

'Gujaratis, among all Indians, are supposed to be born businessmen, but if more than 80% of them do not have the ability to do basic arithmetic, the future is grim.' 'The big issues are in society and they cannot be changed by an HRD minister no matter how brilliant she may be or think of herself as being,' says Aakar Patel.

What will it take for India to be rich?

What will it take for India to be rich?

Rediff.com16 Jun 2016

'China's development is on a different scale from India's. They are very far ahead.' 'I don't think it will be possible in the next 30 years for us to catch them,' says Aakar Patel.

Like Queen Elizabeth, Sonia Gandhi should continue

Like Queen Elizabeth, Sonia Gandhi should continue

Rediff.com6 Jun 2016

'It seems to me that bringing Rahul in now would be like throwing petrol on the flames consuming Congress,' says Aakar Patel.

Why the rich give gold to temples

Why the rich give gold to temples

Rediff.com31 May 2016

'Rich Indians don't give cash, they give gold. Why?' 'Because cash is spent by temples on prasad or doing some charitable work.' 'Gold remains intact with god,' says Aakar Patel.

Focusing on Brahmins won't work for Congress in UP

Focusing on Brahmins won't work for Congress in UP

Rediff.com23 May 2016

Prashant Kishor wants the Congress to project either Rahul or Priyanka Gandhi as its chief ministerial candidate in UP. The Gandhis are far too arrogant to accept a provincial role, says Aakar Patel.

Why don't we want to pay taxes?

Why don't we want to pay taxes?

Rediff.com20 May 2016

'The tax avoidance in India is done as much by the wealthy as the lower class.' 'There is no difference in ethics and culture and morality, and no difference in tax-paying behaviour between various Indian classes, whether educated or not,' says Aakar Patel.

Why Modi has been a success so far

Why Modi has been a success so far

Rediff.com9 May 2016

'It doesn't really matter ultimately what individual commentators say or write about Modi. So long as he continues the BJP's march towards greater vote share, a bigger geographic spread and a crushing of the Congress, he is a success,' says Aakar Patel.

Why our institutions are producing unemployable Indians

Why our institutions are producing unemployable Indians

Rediff.com2 May 2016

'I did not bother to collect my diploma certificate because the course was a waste of time and more or less useless. It would be instructive for me to describe it because manufacturing is seen as the way out for India's great unemployment problem. It is? I do not think so,' says Aakar Patel.

Congress-mukht Bharat is a question of when, not if

Congress-mukht Bharat is a question of when, not if

Rediff.com26 Apr 2016

It seems the Congress just does not have the energy and vitality to break through even in the states where it has a ground presence and the wind of anti-incumbency on its back, says Aakar Patel.

Why this renaming fever continues to burn

Why this renaming fever continues to burn

Rediff.com21 Apr 2016

'Our priority cannot be better cities. Since real change is not possible, we must satisfy ourselves with a change in name,' says Aakar Patel.

Prohibition will fail in Bihar as it has in Gujarat

Prohibition will fail in Bihar as it has in Gujarat

Rediff.com14 Apr 2016

'Its three primary effects are to send the alcohol economy underground (depriving the state of revenue), to criminalise the casual drinker and to criminalise the police,' says Aakar Patel.

Why Kulbhushan Jadhav couldn't be a R&AW spy

Why Kulbhushan Jadhav couldn't be a R&AW spy

Rediff.com4 Apr 2016

'He was carrying his Indian passport. This seems like a very different sort of spy than the ones we see in movies, who carry fake passports and are highly trained,' says Aakar Patel.

Why sting operations have failed in India

Why sting operations have failed in India

Rediff.com30 Mar 2016

'The idea of moral responsibility is not particularly strong in our parts. Showing that people are corrupt or immoral through stings doesn't have the required effect in such a culture,' says Aakar Patel.

Our 'nationalism' is against other Indians

Our 'nationalism' is against other Indians

Rediff.com24 Mar 2016

'Our great Indian nationalists are rousing passions against their own people, not against another nation. Our fraud nationalists go after their own citizens for their religion, or for their views. Their concern and their passion is the enemy within. That is not love of nation or love of anything else. It is hatred and it is bitterness,' says Aakar Patel.

If this is not anti-nationalism, what is?

If this is not anti-nationalism, what is?

Rediff.com16 Mar 2016

'We in the Anglicised middle class are unconcerned about the vast majority of Indians. We insist on only our concerns and anxieties being debated. All other Indians are irrelevant,' says Aakar Patel.

On this Women's Day, let us Indians learn to respect women!

On this Women's Day, let us Indians learn to respect women!

Rediff.com8 Mar 2016

'Sexual violence against women is not something unique to India but in our parts the victim must also have to contend with other burdens. Such as the notion of 'honour' and its loss,' says Aakar Patel.

The fires have been lit, and the mobs are standing ready

The fires have been lit, and the mobs are standing ready

Rediff.com3 Mar 2016

'In Bastar, as in Delhi, being branded 'anti-national' in the eyes of the government now seems to have acquired new meaning,' says Aakar Patel.

Our nationalism is only in sentiment, not in behaviour

Our nationalism is only in sentiment, not in behaviour

Rediff.com23 Feb 2016

'Our passionate love for our nation as seen in our anger at slogan shouters does not extend to caring for the nation in other ways. We are one of the dirtiest people on earth and even our holiest river the Ganga can only be cleaned if the Supreme Court orders it, and even then with difficulty,' says Aakar Patel.

The JNU protest is linked to caste and prejudice

The JNU protest is linked to caste and prejudice

Rediff.com15 Feb 2016

Why are Dalits protesting against hangings in Hyderabad? Why is the focus on Muslims in JNU? Why are the students insisting on representation from marginalised communities when they are being judged by a committee? The fact is that India reserves the death penalty mostly for Dalits and Muslims, says Aakar Patel.

How the government steals tribal land

How the government steals tribal land

Rediff.com8 Feb 2016

'Which one of us would give up our flats for development?' 'We insist that others, who are unwilling but weak, make all the sacrifices on our behalf and then we are puzzled when there is violence against the State,' says Aakar Patel.

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